After the race

Is there a dedicated area for recovery after the race ?

Marathonians will be entitled to recovery care, carried out by physiotherapists and osteopaths under the covered market (marathon changing rooms)

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Where can I find the race results ?

All the “finisher” participants will be able to access to their results on the very day of the race

  • Displayed on signs at the edge of the finish line
  • Also downloadable on our website

The certificate can also be downloaded on the same website (a few days after the race).

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Where can I find my race photos ?

The photos selected by PHOTORUNNIG will also be available a week after the event, still on our website.

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Who are the rewarded runners?

You can find this information in the race regulations

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When will the award ceremony occur?

The award ceremony will take place on the finish line (indicative schedules)

Marathon : 13h

Semi-marathon : 13h45

13km du Rhône : 15h15

From 15h30 onwards, General podium at the Hôtel de Ville square

15h30 : Marathon

15h50 : Semi-marathon

16h : 13km of the Rhône

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